We couldn't go a summer without making a trip to Kiawah. The past few years we have gone for Memorial Day weekend, but with Ellie's dance recital falling that weekend we had to change it around a bit. The 4th of July seemed like the perfect time! We had the most amazing beach weather all week! A few rain showers, but only at night. It was mid 80's and partly cloudy...perfect!
The kids were either "baking" or building castles and catching tiny crabs.
They were super excited when the ice cream truck drove by us on the beach.
One thing I love here is the tide pools. We would spend 3-4 hours every day on the beach and about 2 hours of those were playing in the tide pools.
The morning of the 4th the kids were all about the patriotic spirit!
The condo we rented had a basket of toys and that occupied them daily! We took daily bike rides and even biked to breakfast several mornings.
After dinner we watched the beautiful sunset and snapped a couple pics.
Happy 4th of July! There was rain in the forecast for later that night so we put the twins down at a normal time and told them the fireworks weren't happening due to weather. Even with a little bad weather they did actually have some but the kids were snoozing and never knew it. It was so nice to sit and play cards with some cocktails instead of staying up late in the heat for the show.
Overall I tried to really unplug, but did pick up my phone for some pictures each day.
One day the boys played golf and the girls went shopping and had lunch. We got a few new rugs for the house (didn't have much room in the car for more).
We arrived a little early to pick them up and got to see them play the last hole.
On Friday we went to our favorite Italian place, ate ice cream and listened to a little live music before the rain came.
This little bookstore is adorable. The kids thought it was like a library and wanted to go daily to read books.
Overall it was such a fun and relaxing week together!