First I have to say Happy 30th Birthday to our favorite twins! Rachel and Rebecca I am sorry I can't be with either of you on your actual Birthday to celebrate, but hope it's one to remember!!! Love you both so much!!!
Now onto the twins 3 months!!! Graham and Ellie have changed so much over the past month. The best parts are sleep and smiles!!! We are still figuring out our new schedule, but they are officially sleeping through the night!!!! For the most part they go to bed between 7-7:30 and wake up between 5:30-6. This gives us back our REM sleep which makes us VERY happy. They have always been great sleepers so we can't complain, but we are very thankful for our nights now. They are also full of smiles!! Of course they didn't smile a ton when I was taking their pictures...but I captured a few:)
G and E are still in newborn diapers and wearing mostly newborn or 0-3 month clothes. They have recently started using bumbo seats and look like such big babies sitting up and smiling at us. They wake up around 5:30-6AM and we drink a bottle and play until about 7:30. Both are in the best moods during this time...great way to start our day! They take a nap between 7:30-9. We then eat and change clothes and play until about 10:30. I usually run and errand, walk or go to a play date/pool from 10:30-12 and they sleep really good in car seats! They eat and play until about 1/1:30 and then take a long nap until about 3:45. We give them another bottle around 4 and this is the longest awake time during the day. Neither takes a good late afternoon nap anymore so we started just letting them stay awake until bedtime. Sometimes we go to the park with friends or go on a family walk around 5 and they might take a 20-30 nap in the stroller. We give baths and bottles at 6 and read a story and put them to bed between 7 and 7:30.
Graham: Nicknames- G Man, Gram Bam, and our favorite BubbaWub (Combo of Bubba and Wubanub). You weigh around 11 lbs and are in the 5th percentile for weight and height. Drs love that you are on the charts already considering you were a preemie and a twin! You have the chubbiest cheeks and light up when you hear your Dad's voice! You are eating between 20-22 oz a day now! You LOVE sleeping on your tummy and we often have to wake you up from naps. You are getting really good at tummy time and enjoy being in the boppy pillow on your tummy. You have acid reflux and are taking medicine to help with the heartburn/spit up. You are starting to babble "talk" and is adorable! You are definitely our little snuggler- just like your Daddy!
Ellie: Nicknames- Bug, Bugaboo and Ellie Bug. You weigh around 10 lbs and are also in the 5th percentile. You have found your voice! You started fussing a little more and crying/screaming when you want to get out of your crib. You still dont really take a paci, but can easily calm yourself down. When you are ready to eat there is no holding you are eating between 20-22 oz now. You also have started smiling and it absolutely melts our hearts when you give us a huge smile! You look adorable in bows and wear them at all times! You love your Bumbo chair and will stay in it up to 20 min just smiling and happy as can be! You enjoy independent time and staring at lights or colorful objects.
And just to keep it are some outtakes!
Photo shoots with twins is hard work!!!
Perfect White Buns
4 weeks ago
Thank you for the blog birthday shout-out! That was so sweet :) Love you!