Jan 3, 2014

Week with Dad

Our best Christmas present was Ryan taking the entire week off!!!   We have never spent this much time as a family of 4 and it was amazing!!!  We ate big breakfast's- Ryan is our breakfast chef, went out to eat a few times, went to the park, slept in, made homemade pizzas, played games, consumed a lot of wine and converted our guest room into a playroom!!!!!  So most of our week was spent eating and playing!
We put our new pizza stone my parents gave us to use!
 We played our favorite game, Mexican train dominos.
 Luna's Living Kitchen!

Played outside with neighbors and with their toys….why are other people toys always more fun?

 Exhausted from all that playing….

 1st time at Chick fil a...


 Our favorite dinner…and some more Mexican Train Dominoes

 More fun at the park….yes I bring a walker to the park!

 We went on lots of walks!
 Long fun baths...
 We took them to Paco's Taco's….our favorite Mexican place!

 It is still so weird to order a kids meal hah!

 More fun times in the playroom!  She is calling her friend Ridley here:)
Errands with Daddy is definitely much easier too!
 We fed them lots of new food…including peanut butter:)  Ryan and I are both big fans of Peanut Butter so we are thrilled they aren't allergic!

 They were following Ryan around in these cars all week.
 They can also get through doorways now so they can go all over the house haha!  But they are always together….really cute!
 All in all it was the best week ever!  I know what I am asking for next year…another week off!!!  Graham and Ellie agree(they still hold hands while they eat)!


  1. Graham and Ellie (and you and Ryan!) are the CUTEST! What a great Christmas gift to have Dad home - happy New Year!!

  2. What a cute post. The last picture is my favorite and I love how they run around in their cars together. Too, too cute!
