Feb 20, 2015

1st official trip to the dentist!

The past two weeks have been really hard for our family.  We lost two people we love and have all been sick...throw in a power outage and more sickness and well you can see how that would be a hard two weeks!  We are trying to get back to our routine and just soak up the joy these two kids bring to our lives.  I swear this age is pure happiness.  Everything they do is an adventure and seeing the world through their innocence is a daily gift.  One recent "adventure" was going to see Daddy Dentist for the first time!  We read books and played with gloves while we waited for Daddy!

Ellie was up first!  She kept smiling at her Daddy...her look was a mix between "Daddy why are you wearing those funny glasses?" and "Daddy I am so proud of you".  She truly loves and admires her Dad!

Next up was Bobo.  He was not as into it(just wanted to brush his teeth with his new toothbrush), but was still a great patient and cavity free!

After a clean bill of health,and a melt down because they didn't want to leave Daddy's office, we had lunch at Chick-fil-A!
Dental themed outfits just don't exist so I got Ellie a bow for the special first trip to the dentist!

So proud of these two and especially proud of their Daddy Dentist:)


  1. So sweet! We have always called our son "Bobo" too :)

  2. So sweet! We have always called our son "Bobo" too :)

  3. I love how your kids to have gotten into the groove of dental visits calmly and aptly. You can certainly owe that to your own solid guidance going in, though I'm betting the quality of dental service really helped and of course the fact that Daddy is their dentist. That's really the only way you can ensure the habitualization of that kind of health maintenance, which of course you really should for your young ones. Thanks for sharing that! All the best to your family!

    Bernadette Blair @ Dr. Cheung, DDS

  4. It's nice to know that your kids took their first trip to the dentist real well. I'm glad that the vislit was a success and that they got a clean bill of health. I hope that they keep that up, as I'm sure you and their Daddy Dentist will continually be there to guide them, and that is going to be a good thing all around. Have a great day!

    Anita Campbell @ Throgs Neck Dental

  5. Your adorable kiddos are really brave! They show no sign of nervousness in their photos. Thanks for sharing all about their first official trip to the dentist. You are really helping convince parents to bring their children to regular dental check ups, by setting up that great example. Take care!

    Mathew Love @ My Raleigh Dentists

  6. Wow! your children seem so happy at their first dental visit. it sure seems to have been a memorable experience for them!

  7. Hey, that's so sweet to see your kid not cry at dental clinic, I too some what similar experience at Dentzz Dental clinic, but its in India, although its is the best dental clinic here still i was reluctant about my girl being treated for cavity as she has dentophobia, but at dentzz she was made so comfortable that now she has love for dentists at dentzz and she follows all the precautions said by dentist at dentzz to her so that she can take charge of her teeths like a dentist herself, you can find them here:http://www.dentzz.com/dentist-location.htm
    and http://www.dentzzdental.com/

  8. How adorable are they?! I can't believe you braved the dentist with both of them together! You must have an awesome dentist/daddy! I have to take each of my three kids individually, or I would loose my mind! Congrats on being cavity free, that is an awesome feeling as a parent when we are solely responsible for this, at least for a little while!

    Felipe Roberson @ Philly Dentist
