Feb 24, 2016

Potty Training the Twins

This past weekend we had zero going on...we are go go go people so this is very rare.  This was the perfect time to lock down at home and tackle potty training.  We have had little potties for a few months and Graham has been interested and occasionally used it, but Ellie had never actually gone (she would sit and read books but definitely not productive).  We started Friday after naps.  During nap time I set up our basement as the potty training zone.  I had toys, lots of snacks and drinks, gifts for #2 and treats for #1.  When the twins woke up we took off their diapers and pants and headed down stairs.  We set a timer to go off every 20 min and we would say "tell us if y'all need to potty"  Graham went every 10 minutes at first and I could tell Ellie was not interested still.  An hour and a half went by and she finally went.  Her face lit up! She was so proud! And she has been rocking it out since then.  She has not had a single accident!!!!  Graham gets a little distracted and has had a few minor accidents but over all did great as well.
Here is our fluid station and #2 gifts!
Candy stash for #1
Lots of books were read over the weekend!

We even ate most meals down stairs!

The images of the two of them on the potty at the same time still cracks me up!
The conversations were also hilarious.  At one point Graham looked down and saw his boy part and then looked over at Ellie and asked me "Mommy where is Ellie's one of these things?"  Ellie responded "Me not need one Bobo"
 This series is my fav.....

By Sunday after naps we let them wear undies and venture upstairs more.  We went to a cookout at a neighbors house and they both did great and used the potty there too!!! (if you look close you can see Bobo has on Ellie's Dorothy costume ruby red slippers)
The biggest test was Monday at school.  My heart was pounding as I came around the corner to see if they were still wearing the same clothes I dropped them off in (meaning they didn't have an accident) and they were!!!!  All the sweet teachers cheered and clapped and kept praising them.  We called Daddy on the way home and we could just tell how proud they were of themselves as well.  Next up....big kid beds!  We may wait a few weeks to tackle this one haha!