Feb 24, 2016

First Fish

Ryan has fished a few times with the kids, but has finally warmed up enough and the fish were hungry!   The kids helped him dig up worms in the back yard and they used them as bait.  In just a few minutes Ellie caught her first fish!

 And her second....
 And Graham caught one!!!
And another! (ignore the no pants...he ran down the hill and got them muddy and wanted to take them off so he could see his new undies)
 A few minutes went by and Graham and I were playing soccer in the yard when Ryan started laughing....They caught fish at the same time!
I see lots of fishing days in our future!  Ellie (normally terrified of any animal) even kissed a fish!  Ryan jokingly said "ok give the fish a kiss before we put him back" and she did!!!!

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