I do miss doing your monthly posts, but feel like after the first year they are not needed monthly. 15 months seemed like a big milestone so here you go! You guys are so much fun these days! Lots of pointing and curiosity. It is so neat as a parent to see the world through your eyes. We just recently went to the beach and it is so different with y'all around...so much fun! Y'all are still great eaters and sleepers. You have recently started to have a special little bond. Y'all will follow each other everywhere. You are starting to hit and steal toys from each other....its rough being a twin sometimes! You will give each other kisses and hugs and that melts my heart! My favorite part of the day is the morning when you wake up and you look at each other in your cribs and "chat" back and forth. I occasionally will hear a squeal or a laugh and hope you guys are always close and love each other that much!
My little helpers!
There are also moments like this that just make me laugh.....never a dull moment with twins!
Our schedule at 15 months:
7AM wake up. You still sleep great at night! You drink your milk while I make breakfast and have some coffee. You eat breakfast around 8 and then we play and I chase you around. You take a nap from 9:30-11. Yes you both still love your morning nap so we are going to keep it as long as we can! We change clothes and usually go run errands during this time. You eat lunch around 12:30 and drink 6 oz of milk with lunch. We play a little while and read books. You nap again from 1:30-3:30. You have a snack when you wake up and then we play/walk with friends. 6PM we feed you dinner. Then we take baths and play some more until bedtime at 7:30.
Graham: We still call you Graham Bam and Bobo
You weigh 22 lbs! You have 5 teeth. You are still in size 3 diapers and mostly 12m clothes with a few 18m. You have the cutest blonde hair and tan skin. You are my summer baby. You love water- the beach, pool and bath (and sometimes the toilet). You talk a lot! You mostly say dada, but will say gaga and sissss, and nana. You walk everywhere. Took you a while to build up the confidence to walk a lot, but you are almost running now. You are a great eater and these days liking carrots, nanas, blueberries and muffins. You sometimes put your foot up on top of your tray when eating...not sure why, but it cracks me up! You mostly get in trouble for hitting your sister, but we are working on that! You love hide and seek. The thrill of being scared makes you laugh the hardest! You love to shake your head yes and no. Sometimes I just ask you questions to see you do it! You still suck your two middle fingers when you sleep and hold your love with the same hand.
Ellie: We call you bug and peanut
You weigh 22 lbs. You are wearing size 3 diapers and size 12 month clothes. You have 8 teeth and we are working on the biting issue! You are very smart. You notice if a cabinet is not baby proofed or if a door is open or something is on the coffee table that you aren't supposed to have. You are very sneaky and mischievous, but I think its from you being curious! I definitely have to watch you like a hawk. You still get upset easily if Graham takes a toy or you can't have something and the best part about your mini tantrums is Graham mocks you and that makes you stop and laugh! You love reading, puzzles, Elmo and your sunglasses. You are still attached to your pink elephant lovie and have to have it to sleep while sucking your thumb:)
McGriddle Egg Bites
5 days ago
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