Jul 15, 2012

Shhhhh.....Surpise 30th Birthday Party!!!!!

My bestie has been planning a surprise 30th Birthday Party for her husband, Andy, for almost a year now!  The party not only had ALL of his favorites, but remained a surprise until he walked through the double doors!!!!
All those who know Andy know he loves football, food, ketchup, Diet Dr Pepper, golf, spending time with friends and family and more ketchup!  Rachel did an amazing job incorporating all of these and more in the party...

Rachel had a game called "30 Things to know about Andy and 1982".  The answer to the last question was another surprise gift to play golf at one of Andy's favorite courses!
Andy is loved by many and so many people flew and drove from all over to be here in honor of his 30th Birthday...
A huge hit was the cardboard cut outs of Andy:)  We had a blast taking these pics...

We ended the night with Andy's favorite Ice Cream which Rachel had flown in as yet another surprise!
Happy 30th Andy!  

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for all of your help with the set up! I had so much fun seeing yall so much and I'll miss you like crazy!!!
