We have made several trips to Ryan's new office to hang some new signs and art work before bed. These two love running in pjs up and down the hall!
After being at the beach and out of town so much we were very low on food so we have had to make lots of grocery store runs!
And lots of parks with this absolutely beautiful weather!!! Carter kept asking Ellie to sit on his lap to go down the slide haha!
I had book club this week and we decided to do a surprise baby shower for our friend Abby. She has a way more interesting blog than me that you should check out here! Traci had the idea of doing "open when" letters for her. These are letters you write and put "open when...." on the front and as she reaches these milestones or events she can open for some encouraging words! I did "open when you are overwhelmed with worry" but one of the best was "open when your husband is traveling and getting a good night sleep in a hotel while your up all night"
Abby's hubby played golf in college so we went with a golf theme.
Abby has been craving pickles and queso dip so our lovely host, Sarah, made Mexican complete with queso and a bowl of pickles!
Love these girls to pieces and so happy we get to go through all these special events together! I know no matter what I can always count of any of these girls.
Graham and Ellie have been so sweet this week...well we have had our moments, but the sweet ones have far outweighed the not so sweet ones.
Tuesday we went uptown to discover place. Love going there during the week when school is in because we practically have the place to ourselves!
These three play so well together and love seeing them grow up with each other.
They crushed some ball park food!
They are both obsessed with the mascot Homer, but Graham was the only brave one that would give him a high five and get a picture with him.
We stayed until almost 9PM (way past their normal bedtime), but it was just too much fun to leave sooner!They woke up this morning and immediately got their baseball program and started reading it to each other!
Our last playdate was this afternoon at our local Nature Museum. We used to go there a few times a week when we didn't have as many other things going on. It was so nice to go back and enjoy it in the warm weather! We had a picnic outside and even got to pet some animals!
I said "What are you doing Bobo?" and he said "I workin"
One last summer weekend and then we are back to school, football and crazy schedules! Long gone are the lazy days of summer!
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