Jan 23, 2016


Friday morning we woke up to this beautiful scene.  

 These two snow bunnies absolutely loved the snow!!!  I thought for sure after a few minutes it would be too cold but we have gone out two days in a row and they lasted almost 2 hours today and we had to force them in for dinner!

 We made a little snowman in the backyard Friday and they got up this morning and immediately ran to the window to say good morning to it.

 After naps we walked up the street to join some neighbors on our main hill on the street!

 We were sharing sleds and at one point I noticed they didn't have one and were both sliding on their bellies....lots and lots of laughter followed!
 They realized they would go faster together and tried every slide out there together:)

 We also raced each other!  Normally whoever Ryan was pushing won haha!

Love the snow, but love our real fire place after mostly!  So thankful that even though we got mostly ice we never lost power!!!

1 comment:

  1. Such little dare bunnies! What wonderful memories! Stay warm and safe love you all
