Jan 6, 2014

10 months

 Well its 2014 and you are 10 month now!  Guess its time to start planning your birthday party…..noooo time please slow down a little!  This month was full of lots of holiday festivities and was so much fun!  You are such happy babies and I thank God every night for that.  I still get excited to go get you both up in the morning and start another day hanging out with you.  Y'all are becoming buddies which is our absolute dream.  We let you play together in what we call the cage and its almost like you have a secret language already and crack each other up.  My favorite thing is how you hold hands when you eat in your high chairs.  Twins are the best!
You are both mobile now…which is a different ball game especially with twins.  Luckily you still don't double team me and you both are obsessed with your car walkers so that makes it easier on me.  You basically live in them if you aren't eating, sleeping or out and about.  You guys crack us up following each other around and chasing each other up and down the hallway…hilarious!  We got lots of new toys for Christmas and decided to take everything out of our guest room and turn it into a playroom!  Best decision ever!  Its just nice to have a space where we can keep all your toys out and not worry about you getting into cabinets or the fire place.  You are both eating a lot more too!  We have dropped a bottle and you guys don't seem to mind, but both great eaters and still love my cooking!!

Our schedule these days:
7:15-30AM wake up.  You are starting to sleep in a little more and Ellie you stand in the crib now which is so cute! You drink a 7 oz bottle and then watch TV in your "cage" while Mommy and Daddy drink their coffee and get breakfast ready.   You eat breakfast around 8 and then we play and I chase you around.    You take a nap from 9-10:30.   We change clothes and usually go run errands during this time.  You eat lunch around 12 and drink a 5 oz bottle around 12:30/45.  We play a little while and read books.  You nap again from 1-3:30.  You drink a 4 oz bottle when you get up and most days meet our friends at the park.  Since it has been a little colder we might go play at someones house which you both seem to like a lot   We have also started walking around the neighborhood before it gets dark. At 6PM we feed you real food.  Then we take baths and you drink another 6 oz bottle before bedtime at 6:45/7PM.  

Nicknames- G, Bubba and BoBo
You weigh 20 lbs!  You are liking your bottles less and less.  You do what we call the gator roll and drink 1 oz, then flip over.  You think its fun…we don't!  You are the best food eater EVER though!  You love just about anything I feed you!  Literally will eat anything.  You love feeding yourself which is nice for us too!  We just moved up to size 3 diapers and mostly 9 month clothing now with a few 12 m size t shirts and pjs.  You can sit up and pull up now and love love love walking!  You have officially become the easier twin this month!  You have turned a major corner this month with your fussiness.  You are the absolute sweetest and shish little boy.  When we go out in public you will smile and flirt with all the ladies.  You constantly stick out your tongue and I don't know why, but I think its so cute!  You play very well by yourself and don't mind when someone (usually your sister) steals your toys. You have become a little bit of a daddy's boy this month and smile so big when he walks in the door from work.  You are talking and actually said "dada" first.  Although now you constantly say "ga..ga…ga"  we aren't sure if you are saying "go" or trying to same your name.  You do this new smile where you wrinkle your nose…so stinking cute!  You still suck your two middle fingers when you sleep. 

Nicknames- Bug and Sissy
You weigh 19 lbs and are drinking 20 oz a day.  You are still interested in bottles unlike your brother.  You love baby food and will eat well, but we have to help you put it in your mouth.  You are wearing size 3 diapers and size 9 month clothes.  You love crawling and standing up in your crib.  You are into EVERYTHING!  I definitely have to watch you like a hawk. You don't cry often, but when you do….you are so loud!   Your least favorite thing is getting changed.  You are becoming a little bit attached to me which is surprising given your independence.  Your first word was "mama" and you now say a lot more.  Your a constantly babbler!  You have 4 teeth now too!  You are easily scared and not a fan of loud noises! You are constantly smiling and very very smart.  We can show you something once and you will do it.  You can kiss, wave high and bye and our new favorite when you look in the mirror you hold up one hand and say "tada" or more like "dada".   You are the cutest little girl and it still amazing me and your dad at how adorable you are! You are still attached to your pink elephant lovie and have to have it to sleep while sucking your thumb:)

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