Sep 23, 2019

Nice, France

The last few days in Nice, France we just took it easy.   We rode the ferris wheel countless times, played in the spray park and playground, walked around eating gelato, ate low key meals, shopped int he market, hiked to get a good view of the city, and spent time on the rocky beaches.   This was the perfect way to end the trip! 

 Bobo loved building rock castles since we didn't have sand!   It was crazy to see the beach covered with rocks only!!  And listening to the waves crash over them was so peaceful.
 We all loved this 4 cheese much that we went back the next day and ordered it again!

 Here is the view of the market below our rental.  We loved standing out here watching the sun rise, set and the market full of life below!
 These two are the best little sleepers on vacations!  They loved opening the shutters and windows in the morning and checking out what vendors were set up and ready for the day below.

 Every day we walked through the markets and I just couldn't believe how many fresh items they had for great prices....our farmers markets don't even come close to the quality of these!
 Kids loved picking out beach snacks in the morning.

 Here is the view from Castle Hill.   I don't love heights so I will admit when the wind blew I was a little nervous, but so glad we experienced this together.

 The twins took turns deciding what we would do or eat...mostly included desserts! 

 They loved the carousel!

 We rented beach chairs at Plage Beau Rivage one day and enjoyed lunch there. 
 This little one ate more muscles and fries that I could count!

 Local cheese store to get more snacks!
 More carousel rides.
 Stopped to watch a local volley ball tournament...they had to bring in sand to this area to play!
 More muscles and fries....

 And one last sunset before heading home.  What a wonderful trip!  One of my favorite things was ending on such a low key easy schedule.   Usually we try to cram as much in as possible, but being here for the last few days without fancy dinner reservations and just going with the flow was the perfect was to end an epic trip to Italy and France!

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