We have had a LOT to celebrate over the past week!
Birthdays, Mother's Day and most importantly Ryan's Graduation from Dental School! We have realized how lucky we are over the past 6 years and how many people we have supporting us throughout this long journey. We started the celebrations with Ryan's birthday. Our good friends, The Lees, came into town and we went to The Wells Fargo golf tournament at Quail Hollow and then to dinner with friends and family. We went to his favorite Mexican Restaurant.
And finally on Sunday the long awaited Graduation! I was the absolute proudest wife in the world last Sunday. I have seen Ryan work so hard over the past 4 years. Most people say "Time flys", but I feel like we have waited FOREVER for him to finish school. Not only did he make it through 4 years of Dental School he found out when he arrived at the ceremony that he made the Dean's List once again and he graduated from school with Honors. Ryan NEVER made below a B in all 4 years of Dental School! Well all of his hard work paid off and we got to celebrate it with family and friends all weekend!
Here is the family waiting for the ceremony to start.
Here is Ryan right before he walked across the stage...
And officially a Doctor:)
I was so excited....and nervous that I couldn't take good pictures or videos because my hands were a little shaky and I was trying really hard not to cry. I definetly teared up after they called his name and he turned and winked at me:) I will never forget that moment.
This picture sums up how we felt that this day had finally arrived!!!
We took advantage of the moment and took lots of pictures with all the family and friends there supporting Ryan!
Ryan's proud parents!!
Proud grandparents!!!
Ryan with his dad and Aunt who drove all the way from Georgia! Ryan is the first Doctor in his family and they wanted to be there in person to support him!
And of course me the proudest of all with the doctor!
After a lot of pictures we went to Aungus Barn for dinner. Ryans grandfather and dad surprised us with a private tour of the wine cellar.
My dad is a big wine lover....he really enjoyed this part of the night!
Above is my dad and bonus mom who wouldn't miss this night for anything! So sweet of her to leave all her children with a sitter on Mother's Day to come celebrate all Ryan's hard work. We had so much fun at dinner that we looked around at the end of the night and we were the last ones in the restaurant! Now that is a sign of a great night!!!!
Here we are with our new title...Dr. and Mrs:)
To see someone you love work so hard and something and finally achieve it is a precious gift and we really tried to enjoy every moment of the day! Congrats Ryan!!!! Don't worry the celebrations aren't over...I'll be back soon with details of the party.....oh yes there was a party for sure!
McGriddle Egg Bites
2 weeks ago
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