Oct 24, 2013

Ellie has a tooth!

When Ryan was gone for 4 days last week Ellie got two teeth!!!  It is not easy getting a picture of them...

 You can kind of see them here....

 FINALLY!  This is the only pic where you can actually see them haha!
I have to say she was such a trooper!  I never once gave her Tylenol or anything.  She drooled and chewed on everything for a few days and then all of the sudden she bit my finger one morning and I felt something sharp...sure enough there was a tooth there.  Three days later...another one!  Graham has one barely breaking the surface so fingers crossed his comes soon because he is not quite as tough as his sissy:)

1 comment:

  1. Emma Cate was a champ at teething. We didn't even know! Holden was another story.... our girls are tough!
